Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cluster 5

Hey how it's going? Well its great and i love my topic/final project. Holography or holograms. It seems really interesting and fun and can't wait. First i have to understand the way the waves travel to record on the photonicplate to record it but if the laser is to long (time wise) or too short it won't work so it is trail and error which can get annoying.  (to SDPFAN351 KHAIL GREENE DOES NOT SUCK THIS YEAR)  The best part of the day for me is the lab because it is hands on and kinda of confusing so i haveto push myself to learn. The lectures and lab are out of sync but PROFESSOR clark say that it will get back on track by friday so that is great and i love and feel beeter learning if the lecture is first and the lab after wards on the same topic for hands on EXPERIENCE and to further understand the topic. Well post back or comments cluster 5!!!
"The 400 block", Its better on top!!!!!

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