Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Second Week in and Things are Nice

Things are tiring, as to be expected. We got new lab groups for the day today and it was really refreshing. It was nice to not run into any initial problems for once, as we were successfully able to direct our laser beam through the fiber optic cable. These cables are thinner than hair, in fact, our TAs said that the fiber ends are sharper than needle points. We finished our unit on lens today and learned about the internal reflection techniques of fiber optics. I learned a little more about how these small glass wires are used to transmit information and how they are made. I'm able to pay closer attention to the more recent lectures, possibly because the majority of the material is now new to me. I appreciate the fact that here at COSMOS the staff takes the time to provide meaningful demonstrations. Today we got to play with a pinhole camera.

I'm also looking forward to this weekend's plans, despite the fact that I am not leaving campus for family visitation. I will instead get to go to new Batman movie, check out the nearby mall, and watch a skateboard exhibition! It's great that so many fun opportunities are provided for us. My RA pointed out the fact that never otherwise will so many fun activities be presented to us on a college campus, because you most always have to go out and find these activities yourself. The breakfast selection could improve, but all things considered, I have very little to complain about.

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