Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cosmos so far...

So far, Cosmos has been a great experience.  The first day was very overwhelming because I wasn't used to getting up at 6:45 and heading straight into academics for 3 hours straight.  Luckily, I fully adjusted by the second day and I really enjoyed all of my classes.  I learned about my final project which is about mono-cromatics.  I'm excited to start my project and start learning how to use MatLab. 

But the most amazing thing so far was definately the Cosmos Olympics.  We all wore "army style" headbands and decorated white t-shirts with camo and big 5's.  Our finishing touch to our outfits was black war paint.  We looked amazing.  All of us worked really hard to have great sportsmanship and be successful in the competition.  By the end of the competition we were all exhausted, but we ended up getting 2nd place!!!

I look forward to getting to know the rest of my cluster and I can't wait to go to Nutberry Farms on Saturday! :)

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